Basic Vaping Tips For Beginners

Basic Vaping Tips For Beginners

26 April 2022
 Categories: Smoking, Blog

Are you curious about vaping, but do not know much about it? It will help to know these tips for anyone that is starting out with vaping.

Using The Mouth-To-Lung Vaping Method

There are two ways to vape that you need to know about. The first one is known as the mouth-to-lung method, commonly referred to as MTL. This is when you pull the vapor into your mouth and then inhale it into your lungs. This is very similar to smoking a cigarette, which you may already be used to. The vaping device has a pod filled with juice on it. When you inhale on the vape, it activates a switch that supplies the vapor and the nicotine at the same time. You need to create a solid seal around the vape and suck in using pressure, which activates the switch on the vape and gets it all working. 

Using The Lung Hit Vaping Method

There is another way to vape that's known as the lung hit method. What is different is that you are pulling the vapor directly into your lungs, rather than putting it into your mouth first. Many people like this technique because they are able to use a full breath to pull in more vapor. They find it to be a much more efficient way to vape as a result, and like how it produces more vapor when they exhale as well. 

Knowing The Differences Between Vaping Devices

There are many types of devices out there that you can use. There are basic disposable vapes that you can likely find at any gas station; they are designed to give you a specific flavor and you throw the device away when it's done. There are also refillable vaping devices. They will not only save you money in the long run, but they will provide you with more power to produce more airflow, vapor, and flavor. 

As you are starting out, you will likely want to use a disposable vape to learn if you even like using it. You can then decide to buy a refillable device as you decide to make a commitment to vaping rather than smoking cigarettes. Some people use a vaping device because they actually want to quit smoking nicotine. A refillable device gives you more control over how much nicotine is used in the vape, and you can gradually wean yourself off of the nicotine by using it in smaller amounts.

For more information, contact a vape shop.